Below are the ballot initiatives to be voted on at the April 10, 2010 LPSF meeting during the business meeting from 3pm - 5 pm.
Please note the business meeting will take place in the Community Room of the Richmond District Police Station at 461 6th Ave. located 1/2 block south of Geary Blvd..
See you there.
Ron Getty
Vice Chair
Chair Initiatives Committee
If it works right you should be able to highlight the name of the initiaitve hold down ctrl on your keyboard and right click on your mouse to get the pdf of the ballot initiative. ( Unh Hunh.....)
These will be voted on at the Saturday April 10th, 2010 LPSF monthly meeting.
Measure A - Requesting approval for renewing for another 20 years a continuation of a special parcel tax established in 1990 for facilities improvements. The rate is $32.20 per parcel for non-residential and $16.10 per residential parcel. A continuation of the estimated $16 million parcel tax with a requisite 2/3’s vote as required by law.
Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response General Obligation Bond
Measure B - $412 million bond requiring a 2/3’s vote for passage to upgrade and earthquake proof fire and police stations and auxiliary water supply and other critical infrastructure with a 50% pass-through of the resulting property tax
Establishing a Film Commission, Its Membership, Qualifications and Power
Measure C - Creating by charter amendment a Film Commission of 11 members Mayor nominates 6 and Board Supervisor nominates 5. The basic requirements are the members have professional film industry experience of some kind.
Reducing Employer Retirement Benefit Cost
Measure D - An effort to rein in health and pension benefits of City employees and save some $250 - $300 million over 25 years.
Budget Line Item for Police Department Dignitary Security
Measure E - Would require the SFPD to submit a line item designating how much of the budget went to security for officials and dignitaries.
Renters Economic Relief
Measure F - Severe limitations on what a landlord can do in rent increases and pass through of taxes and costs for upgrades and repairs with limits for increases based on tenant’s income with the tenant having the right of appeal and the landlord being required to provide all sorts of documentation to get approval. The ordinance is very anti-landlord and very anti-property and very anti-rental units.
The new Transbay Center, under construction at First and Mission, be the northern terminus for California High Speed Rail
Measure G - Policy statement asking the high speed rail terminus be built where the current Transbay Terminal is located instead of two blocks over from the Transbay Terminal.