California's primary election is quickly approaching-- it's time to make sure you are prepared to go to the polls! The LPSF has made official recommendations on all the county-wide ballot measures to help inform you on the issues. We consider these very seriously and judge each based on the answer to the question "does this measure advance liberty or restrict it?". Here are our recommendations, in brief:
You may have seen these already-- on May 10, we mailed out 2,678 postcards to registered Libertarians in the city with this same information. We also have 4 arguments published in the city's voter information pamphlet and spoken about many of these issues at other organizations' events.
For more explanation on these, check out this article from our April newsletter: Both Sides Now
We're always happy to offer more information on our positions for these and answer your questions. Please feel free to contact us, and remember to vote on June 5!