Meeting of 13 November, 2010 | Libertarian Party of San Francisco

Meeting of 13 November, 2010

Jawj Greenwald

Libertarian Party of San Francisco Agenda:  November 13, 2010

Meeting Location:  San Francisco Main Library, 1st Floor Conference Room

Meeting Starts                                                                                                                                  3:00 pm

Welcome and Introduction/New Agenda Items                                                         :05          3:05 pm


Officer Reports                                                                                                                :05          3:10 pm

Treasurer:  Les Mangus

Secretary:  Jawj Greenwald

Vice Chair:  Ron Getty

Chair:  Marcy Berry


Committee Reports                                                                                                        :10          3:20 pm

Internet Communications/Social Networking:  Rob Power

Initiatives/Ballot Measures:  Ron Getty

Membership:  Marcy Berry

Outreach:  Starchild


Political Candidates’ Report of experience and results                                        :10          3:30 pm


Activists’ Report:  What have we done for Liberty lately?                                        :15          3:45 pm


Announcements                                                                                                               :05          3:50 pm


Old Business

Door Hanger Project Update                                                                                         :10          4:00 pm


New Business

LPSF subscription to Zoomerang survey program – Ron Getty                             :15          4:15 pm

What is it.  Who will use it.  When.


LPSF lobbying and volunteering for LP National Convention 2012                      :25          4:40 pm

Benefits to LPSF of having National Convention in SF

Assessment of what LPSF needs to do for a successful Convention

LPSF members who pledge to make success happen


In-Meeting Activism                                                                                                       :20          5:00 pm

E-mailing LP National Convention leaders pledging to volunteer

Bring your laptop if you have one.

Minutes of the LPSF Meeting of November 13, 2010

Members Present: Marcy Berry (Chair) , Phil Berg, Michael Edelstein, Jawj Greenwald (Secretary), Tim Kuklinsky, Leslie Mangus (Treasurer), Starchild, Richard Winger.

Guests: Aubrey Freedman, Ann Grogan, Cynthia Lee, Jason Williams, “Jim“ (anonymous person who refused to give surname).

Officers’ Reports:

Chair: No report.

Vice Chair: No report

Treasurer: The LPSF has $5607.14 in its coffers.

Secretary: Minutes of the October meeting are being posted online for review.

Committee Reports: No reports

Political Candidates’ Reports: Phil Berg reported that his campaign against Nancy Pelosi had been worthwhile, and he felt that his website and videos had been effective.

Richard Winger reported that Christina Tobin (running for Secretary of State) was also pleased with the results, including the 17% vote for libertarian-leaning congressional candidate John Dennis, for whom she had campaigned indirectly. He reported that overall there had been a million votes for Libertarian candidates for Congress, and that the top vote getter in California was Pam Brown, Libertarian candidate for Lieutenant Governor, who garnered 5% of the vote in a 6-way race. We reviewed a printout of local election results, and tabled further review until the next meeting, when final results will be available.

Activism Reports: We went around the table reporting on what, if anything, we had each done to strike a blow for freedom this month. Most efforts centered on the election.

Announcements: Ann Grogan reported on her efforts on behalf of the Special Police, a civilian police force which we want to see grow. A September 1 report recommended its abolition. The report was written by an ex-cop and is believed to have been influenced by the police union, which wants those gigs to go to cops paid overtime. She is currently collecting data under the Sunshine laws to refute the reports.

Old Business:

World’s Smallest Political Quiz: We discussed our use of this device. We agreed to use the newer version of the quiz after our current supply is exhausted. Whenever we have the chance, we will add a printed label or other form of reference to our local group.

Door Hanger Project Update: On Saturday November 20, 5 of us went out hanging libertarian election literature on front door handles in the Miraloma Park area and the Inner Sunset. We bought 1000 to add to the 300 Richard Winger contributed, and ended the day with just a few. It was enjoyable exercise, and our message seemed to be well-received by those we spoke with.

New Business:

Subscription to Zoomerang survey program: The possibility of subscribing to a survey service for $199 per year was considered. A free alternative, e.g. Monkey, might be adequate for our purposes. In Ron Getty’s absence further discussion of this item was tabled to the next meeting.

Lobbying for LP National Convention 2012: San Francisco, along with Dallas and Las Vegas, is currently being considered as the site for the LP National Convention in June 2012. The national committee will decide shortly. We agreed that it would be nice if San Francisco was chosen, and discussed how we might most effectively lobby and what we might pledge to do in support of the convention if it were held here. We discussed possible local events and hospitality we might sponsor.

A motion was passed pledging our support for having the convention in San Francisco, and recommending that it be held in downtown San Francisco rather than at an airport hotel (7 yes, 1 no). Starchild will write a letter to Scott Lieberman and others expressing our support and offering ideas for its success, subject to review by Marcy. All members are also encouraged to write individually offering any ideas (e.g. for local speakers) and pledging volunteer support.

Review of LPSF volunteer and membership form: A review of our current volunteer and membership form was deferred to the next meeting, so that issues about the relationship between state and local San Francisco party can be researched.